Medicine L3&4 Offices

Medicine Building L3&4N


The project involves the redevelopment of the northern sections of levels 3 and 4 of the Medical Building to accommodate the Department of General Practice (DGP) and the Academic Unit of Psychiatry of Old Age (AUPOA).

Both departments are part of the Melbourne Medical School (MMS) within the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences (FMDHS).

The redevelopment has resulted in a variety of new spaces, including formal and informal meeting rooms, open-plan offices, breakout booths, interview rooms, individual and academic offices, kitchenettes, storage areas and print rooms.

Each floor has a unique colour scheme to signify placemaking for occupants and visitors.




Client: University of Melbourne
Location: Medicine Building _BLDG 181
Level 3 & 4 north, University of Melbourne Parkville campus
Type: Office refurbishment
Role: Principal Consultant, Architecture and Interiors
Scope of work: Full Services
Completed: late 2023






Hatz: Steve Hatzellis, Genny Wells, Clive Chan, Lara Li
Consultant Engineers: Lucid, Resonate, DSL, Equal Access
Building Surveyor: Design Guide
Head Contractor: NeoConstruct





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